
Message from the President November.2021

"Ability to See Through the Essence" and "Curiosity"

The Nobel Prize in Physics in 2021 was given to Dr. Syukuro Manabe, Senior Research fellow, and other two researchers of Princeton University in the United States, who developed the coupled ocean-atmosphere model. Dr. Manabe has been involved in meteorological studies since he went to the U.S. in 1958. He developed the physical model that predicts the rising temperature effects of CO2 on global warming and climate change, which are today serious global issues. It is the first time that the Nobel Prize has been given to the field of meteorology, and a wonderful, revolutionary development to earn such a sterling reputation for achievements that "made the maximum contribution to humanity" across the boundaries of fields of study.

After I saw the interview with Dr. Manabe and reports on him, two important quotations remained in my mind. They are the "ability to see the essence" and "curiosity".

At a time when computers were still weak, Dr. Manabe, who did not overlook the really important characteristics of the models that scientifically performed predictive calculations and simplified how the global atmosphere changes, is indeed a person who has the "ability to see the essence." I was astonished to learn that the current predictive calculations using supercomputers and AI were based on the calculation model developed by Dr. Manabe.

He also said that "curiosity" was the driving force of his motivation in his many years of study. Doggedly continuing a study that satisfies his "curiosity" resulted in tremendous innovation. I found it wonderful that he can say "I have really enjoyed the study of climate change," even though I imagine there must have been a number of hard times we could not even imagine.

I encourage all of you to think about these two quotations. In particular, engineers are validating and proving hypotheses through trial and error every day to produce new value in the world. Therefore, you must know very well that the "ability to see the essence" of things and the "curiosity" to hold your interest are important.

Not just global warming, there are a variety of global issues for us to overcome. The SDGs have been set as international goals for achieving this. Each one of you should be interested in how to make this company better by 2030 and set your own personal challenges. Moreover, you should work to fulfill those challenges by making full use of your abilities through your work. Let's learn from Dr. Manabe's passion for his study and work to realize a better society by displaying pride and spirit in our own jobs.

November, 2021