
Message from the President October.2021

Seizing Opportunities for Growth

In October, we reached the halfway point of the three-year Meitec Group Mid-Term Management Plan “The Transformation” that started in April 2020. Since the outset of the plan, we have been placed under tight restrictions in terms of business activities and everyday life, affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the outlook remains unclear, we need to overcome this crisis with all employees working together as one.  At the same time, we will continue to “innovate business models by pursuing the provision of high added value” mapped out in the current Mid-Term Management Plan.

In the October issue of our internal magazine SYORYU, we have put together a feature on the theme “seizing opportunities for growth.” At a time of rapidly changing markets and technology, how can we create an environment in which our engineers can continue to respond to customers’ expectations in manufacturing? This edition contains the components of growth for engineers as they seize growth opportunities created by the Company in each area and business site, provide high added value to customers and improve their own market value.

To go slightly off topic, all of you received a leaflet called “Customer opinions” when you joined the Company.  This leaflet summarizes the words actually received from customers and consists of five chapters: “Trust,” “Growth,” “Team,” “Expectations” and “Pride.” As an “Engineering Firm at The Core” (a group of engineers playing a core role in manufacturing through its people and technology), we should not forget that customers always require these five key words.  To pursue and constantly respond to their needs, we need to comprehensively enhance our own technical abilities and personal qualities.

Seeing opportunities for challenges and learning provided by the Company as growth opportunities, each of you should think about them and seize those opportunities. As a result of this effort, you will probably find out, when you think back after a few years, that it was a personal turning point and that you have grown to be a person who can achieve a level exceeding the role and performance required by the market. This will lead to changing your own orientation.

Seizing growth opportunities on countless occasions and continuously tackling challenges and learning are essential to becoming “lifetime professional engineers.”

I hope that you will continue to respond to the expectations of customers in manufacturing, and contribute to building a prosperous future.

October, 2021