
Message from the President April.2021

Approaching Hidden Client Needs!

We are starting the second year of the MEITEC Group Mid-Term Management Plan. Our efforts in April will be extremely important for the great strides forward that will be based on the steady preparations we have achieved in the first year of the plan. Let us get started on the new business year, without wasting even a day, and move toward producing positive results.

The April 2021 edition of our internal newsletter, SYORYU, will include a feature titled “Approaching Hidden Client Needs!” It is a theme well suited to this time of year. The ES coordinators coordinating the career paths of engineers through proposals that take client needs into account will enthusiastically speak about their passion for their work and the things they value, among other points. The newsletter will also share examples of initiatives that have been implemented in cooperation with our engineers to reflect clients’ potential needs. We invite all of you to read these articles and use the information as a springboard in your pursuit of high added value in the second year of the mid-term management plan.

I would like to emphasize that we, with the support of our people and technology, engage in a service business providing engineering solutions to our clients in the manufacturing industry. In our business, devising proposals for clients that are capable of contributing new value to them and accumulating information are more essential than anything else. We can work toward client satisfaction by understanding clients’ potential needs and creating proposals that meet these needs. This will create opportunities for our engineers to thrive and lead to the growth of our company and eventually to our contribution to society through the products and services of our clients.

In the new business year, we will shift into our "Will" mode. One self-analysis framework uses the WCM (Will/Can/Must) Sheet. Let me ask you if you are bound by Can and act only within the range of what you can do. Please remember the theme of the current mid-term management plan: “The Transformation.” To create new value, it is important to examine Will and Must from market perspectives, and not rely only on the Can concept. This means thinking about the things we will do to realize the things we want to achieve but can’t. We will establish a hypothesis based on all of the information available. We provide engineering solutions, and for us, the actions of examining hypotheses to approach hidden client needs are a Must.

April, 2021