
Message from the President October.2020

The Spirit of the Engineer

The drastic changes in business models and the ways of working that have been brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic can symbolize an era of VUCA: volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. In the past several years, this acronym has often been used in business. In a chaotic society, with the end of the pandemic out of sight, people are eschewing things that are conventionally valued and seeking new value.

Assuming that customers’ expectations of technologies in the manufacturing industry and of products and services will change drastically, we need to be more sensitive to information and quickly identify trends in the expectations of customers and consumers and produce results that exceed their expectations.

In October, we will publish the autumn issue of our internal newsletter SYORYU, and it will include the “Employees are Changing” article that features the thoughts and activities of employees who are changing, or considering changing to adapt to changes in society and to provide high added value in their self-reform. The “Reaching for the Top Position” column that began this fiscal year features engineers who are reaching for the top and the sales staff that support them. Please read the examples these associates have set and identify the things that are the most important for creating new value from scratch as an engineer and lead to your own breakthrough.

Looking back, I remember that in the early stages of the Meitec brand, there were many hungry engineers at Meitec. They worked desperately to be recognized and produce results that could satisfy customers. They worked hard, not for the company, but to produce their own results that were worthy of recognition, because if they did not they could not take on the responsibilities of new tasks. As a result of their hard work, they were assigned to higher level jobs. They continued to produce results that exceeded expectations and earned the trust of customers. The Meitec brand of the present was built on the engineering spirit of our predecessors and the efforts of the sales and administrative staff that supported the engineers.

The Meitec brand aims to achieve higher positions. The employees of Meitec are requested to continue to work and grow, even as environments and requirements change. I ask that you have that same engineering spirit that our predecessors had, and quickly respond to change, thereby enhancing our brand value.

October, 2020