
Company Information

Charter of Employee Behavior

From Standards of Corporate Conduct to Standards of Employee Conduct

Guided by Nippon Keidanren's Charter of Corporate Behavior, Meitec has published the basic philosophy underlying its standards of corporate and employee behavior, and has familiarized each employee with this philosophy.
From Standards of Corporate Conduct to Standards of Employee Conduct

The Meitec Group Charter of Employee Behavior

The Company has instituted the Meitec Charter of Employee Behavior to codify the fundamental philosophy that underpins its standards for employee behavior in the execution of their business activities.
While striving for career development, we will work to increase our market value and to become competitive professionals in the world.

We will endeavor to increase customer satisfaction, and will place the greatest importance on building relationships of trust with customers.

Using the common sense as responsible members of society, we will seek to contribute to the community.
Adopted September 1, 2003

Charter of Corporate Behavior -Nippon Keidanren

Member corporations of Nippon Keidanren (hereafter referred to as "Members") believe that corporations exist not only as economic entities designed to pursue profits through fair competition, but also as social entities which must make a contribution to society at large.
Members are expected to respect human rights and to conduct themselves in a socially responsible manner toward the creation of a sustainable society, observe both the spirit as well as the letter of all laws and regulations applying to their activities both in Japan and abroad in accordance with the following ten principles.
1. Members, by the development and provision of socially beneficial goods and services in a safe and responsible manner, shall strive to earn the confidence of their consumers and clients, while taking necessary measures to protect personal data and customer related information.

2.Members shall promote fair, transparent, free competition and fair trade. They shall also ensure that their relationships and dealings with government agencies and political bodies are of a normal and proper nature.

3.Members shall engage in active and fair disclosure of corporate information, not only to shareholders but also to members of society at large.

4.Members shall strive to respect diversity, individuality and differences of their employees, to promote safe and comfortable workplaces, and to ensure the physical and mental well being of their employees.

5.Members shall recognize that a positive involvement in environmental issues is a priority for all humanity and is an essential part of their activities and their very existence as a corporation, and should therefore approach these issues positively.

6.As "good corporate citizens," members should actively engage in philanthropic and other activities of social benefit.

7.Members shall reject all contacts with organizations involved in activities in violation of the law or accepted standards of responsible social behavior.

8.Members shall observe all laws and regulations applying to their overseas activities and respect the culture and customs of other nations and strive to manage their overseas activities in such a way as to promote and contribute to the development of local communities.

9.The highest levels of management within member corporations must assume the responsibility for implementing this charter and for taking all necessary action in order to promote awareness within their corporation and inform their group companies and business partners of their responsibility. Management must also heed the voice of their stakeholders, both internally and externally, and promote the development and implementation of systems that will contribute to the achievement of ethical corporate behavior.

10. In the event of a violation of the principles of this charter, management of members must investigate the cause of the violation, develop reforms to prevent its recurrence and make information publicly available regarding their intended actions for reform. After the prompt public disclosure of appropriate information regarding the violation, responsibility for the violation and its effects should be clarified and disciplinary action should be taken which includes the highest levels of management where necessary.
4th version released: May 18, 2004
The original Japanese language version of Charter of Corporate Behavior is the official version used by Nippon Keidanren. This document is an English language translation of the Japanese language original and has been prepared as a public service by Nippon Keidanren.