
Message from the President Nov.2012

Professionalization of Administrative Staffs

Meitec has been advocating us as the “Group of Professional Engineers” since the establishment. As one of the strategic target in our Mid-term Management Plan, we have set that the company is to become stronger by all our employee become professionals, not just our engineers, but including our administrative staffs.

But since our administrative staffs will not be providing services to our customers directly as our engineers do, it is hard to sense the tension as our engineers by feeling the gaze from our customers as our engineers do.

But as we set “strength to grasp the customer’s needs and respond” as one of the “Five Human Strength of Meitec” this strength is essential to become professional, not just limited to engineers. “Strength to grasp the customer’s needs and respond” means that one’s outcome of the work should to be evaluated by the customer, and it should not to be self-evaluated. In another word, when outcome of one’s work was evaluated as useful by customer, other than own, it makes him is a professional. This is strength unique to Meitec. I think that this is rooted in the concept of professional, there should be a hint for the administrative staff to get professional mind in same level as the engineers do.

As example, one of typical trap that the administrative staff other than the sales people would fall into is that working without thinking who is the customers are. This customer include not just a customer who would pay you, but also include who this work is intended for, or whom this work is useful to. If the work is not useful to anyone, I think we will not call it a work. But the administrative staff sometime falls into such trap.

I think administrative staff may get closer to the professionalism of engineers if they can think about “strength to grasp the customer’s needs and respond” in their daily job. And I would like to share with you all that any work within the company would eventually relate to improvement of value to the customers.

November, 2012